Business & Finance

WhatsApp Business App Rolling Updates To Increase Customer Base Of Users

Two features will soon be rolled out for WhatsApp Business to allow users to reach and connect with more customers effectively, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has announced.

They include a feature that creates ads that click to WhatsApp without a Facebook Account and a paid feature for businesses to reach more customers quickly.

With the ad creation feature, businesses will be able to create, purchase and publish a Facebook or Instagram ad directly within the WhatsApp Business app without the need for a Facebook account.

“All businesses need to get started is an email address and form of payment. When people click on an ad, it opens a chat on WhatsApp so they can ask questions, browse products and make a purchase.”

For the paid feature, businesses will be able to send customise messages to multiple customers at scheduled times in a faster and more efficient way.

“Rather than having to manually send the same message to multiple customers, this new feature will give businesses the ability to send personal messages with the customer’s name and customizable call-to-action buttons to specific customer lists such as those with a select label (like “VIP customers” or “new customers”), schedule the day and time the messages are sent and then see what’s working.”

This is a “crucial” tool to connect with new customers, deepen customer relationships and grow the operations of businesses, the company said.

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